Travel Voice LIVE[held on 1/30]Learn about travel trends 2025 from LINE Yahoo data in 60 minutes – Optimal methods and latest examples (PR) to reach diversifying travelers

(PR) Travel Voice and LINE Yahoo will hold a webinar on the theme of "Travel Trends 2025 Seen from LINE Yahoo Data." We will decipher travel trends for 2024 from…

Continue ReadingTravel Voice LIVE[held on 1/30]Learn about travel trends 2025 from LINE Yahoo data in 60 minutes – Optimal methods and latest examples (PR) to reach diversifying travelers

What is the “Bus Car Navigation” introduced by the express bus “WILLER EXPRESS”? We asked about the background, results, and initiatives that changed the training of drivers (PR)

(PR) Navitime's navigation app "Bus Car Navi" for large sightseeing buses is compatible with express buses. We asked Willer, a major industry leader, why they decided to introduce it, how…

Continue ReadingWhat is the “Bus Car Navigation” introduced by the express bus “WILLER EXPRESS”? We asked about the background, results, and initiatives that changed the training of drivers (PR)

Why is Mitsui Outlet Park targeting “Cathay members” to attract visitors to Japan? The decisive factor is high consumer confidence and immediate effect (PR)

(PR) The inbound visitor market to Japan continues to reach record highs. We heard about the case of Mitsui Outlet Park, which has succeeded in attracting high-spending customers from Asia…

Continue ReadingWhy is Mitsui Outlet Park targeting “Cathay members” to attract visitors to Japan? The decisive factor is high consumer confidence and immediate effect (PR)

Introducing JAL’s digital marketing case study, LINE Yahoo’s corporate conference, distributed for a limited time – until January 10, 2025 (PR)

(PR) LINE Yahoo is currently streaming the recently held corporate event “LINE Yahoo BIZ Conference 2024” online for a limited time. Introducing the "Connect One concept", a collaboration between Yahoo!…

Continue ReadingIntroducing JAL’s digital marketing case study, LINE Yahoo’s corporate conference, distributed for a limited time – until January 10, 2025 (PR)

What is “inquiry learning” that can be practiced in Hawaii? From programs developed with local residents to the latest trends in educational travel – Travel Voice LIVE Report (PR)

(PR) Hawaii is attracting attention as a destination for educational travel. We asked them about the characteristics and initiatives of the Hawaii educational trip, from the local education system to…

Continue ReadingWhat is “inquiry learning” that can be practiced in Hawaii? From programs developed with local residents to the latest trends in educational travel – Travel Voice LIVE Report (PR)

What is the key to creating new businesses in the tourism industry? Business development professional explains, Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Tourism Foundation hold seminar – January 31, 2025 (PR)

(PR) The Tokyo Metropolitan Government and the Tokyo Tourism Foundation held the ``4th Tourism Management Capability Strengthening Seminar'' with the theme of ``Win and business opportunities in the tourism industry…

Continue ReadingWhat is the key to creating new businesses in the tourism industry? Business development professional explains, Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Tokyo Tourism Foundation hold seminar – January 31, 2025 (PR)

JTB has started “area development” in Setouchi and Shodoshima, and we heard about the “project to create Shodoshima 20 years from now” in collaboration with the local community (PR)

(PR) JTB has started an "Area Development Project" in Setouchi and Shodoshima, aiming to improve the perceived value of tourist destinations and develop them sustainably. What are our goals through…

Continue ReadingJTB has started “area development” in Setouchi and Shodoshima, and we heard about the “project to create Shodoshima 20 years from now” in collaboration with the local community (PR)

“Tea tourism” launched by the Shizuoka Suruga Planning and Tourism Bureau has started in earnest, and we covered behind the scenes (PR)

(PR) Shizuoka Prefecture's ``Suruga Planning and Tourism Bureau'' organized a high value-added tour to Japan centered around tea. We covered our efforts as a regionally collaborative DMO, from inspections in…

Continue Reading“Tea tourism” launched by the Shizuoka Suruga Planning and Tourism Bureau has started in earnest, and we covered behind the scenes (PR)

プレスリリース配信サービス – WebWire

2024年11月25日(月曜日) 午前1時43分16秒(東部標準時) • フィアット 500e ジョルジオ アルマーニ コレクターズ エディションは、イタリアのスタイル、エレガンス、クラフトマンシップを紹介しながら、電動化の未来に対するフィアットの取り組みを体現しています • グリーンとグレージュの 2 つの限定カラーで利用可能で、トーンオントーンのエコレザーシートとマッチするフィアット 500e ジョルジオアルマーニ コレクターズ エディションは、アルマーニの特別なインテリア処理とユニークな 17 インチの装飾が特徴です。 午前1時37分53秒(東部標準時) 青空の視界を広げるパノラマガラスルーフと、コックピットを運転体験の中心にする革新的なOLEDディスプレイを備えた、レベルレッドの新しいMINI Aceman SEは、街を征服します。 2024 年 11 月 23 日 尊敬される世界的な伝道者、会議講演者、そして経験豊富な祈りの戦士であるロックリー・ブレムナーが最新の傑作を明らかにする中、信者たちは人生を変える旅を始めようとしている。…

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China’s travel and tourism BtoB business meeting “ITB China 2025” begins accepting applications for exhibitors – to be held in Shanghai from May 27th (PR)

(PR) From May 27th to 29th, 2025, the travel and tourism industry B2B exhibition and international conference “ITB China 2025” will be held in Shanghai, China. We have recently started…

Continue ReadingChina’s travel and tourism BtoB business meeting “ITB China 2025” begins accepting applications for exhibitors – to be held in Shanghai from May 27th (PR)