Katalen, a one-way rental car from Narita Airport, has started operations, supporting late-night and early-morning travel, and service between major cities such as Tokyo and Yokohama.

One-way rental car business from Narita Airport to major cities is in full swing. Matching the user's one-way rental car usage with the operator's forwarding vehicle operation. Source link

Continue ReadingKatalen, a one-way rental car from Narita Airport, has started operations, supporting late-night and early-morning travel, and service between major cities such as Tokyo and Yokohama.

JR West launches tourism-oriented MaaS for Chinese visitors to Japan, AI suggests travel plans tailored to their preferences, and also offers sightseeing passes and coupons

JR West has begun testing a tourism-oriented MaaS called "Tabiwa," which targets Chinese tourists visiting Japan. The AI ​​function suggests travel plans that reflect the hobbies and tastes of the…

Continue ReadingJR West launches tourism-oriented MaaS for Chinese visitors to Japan, AI suggests travel plans tailored to their preferences, and also offers sightseeing passes and coupons