Newsfrom Japan
Tokyo, Nov. 26 (Jiji Press)–Japan’s Defense Ministry presented a plan Tuesday to abolish the current system of Self-Defense Forces personnel candidates and create a new recruitment system with a higher salary level, in order to secure enough fixed-term SDF personnel.
The plan was shown at the government’s third ministerial meeting on improving the treatment of SDF members, held at the prime minister’s office.
SDF candidates, the starting status for those seeking two- to three-year positions in the SDF, do not have the status of SDF personnel. They only earn the lowest rank after roughly three months of basic training.
They have lower starting salaries than so-called general candidates for lower-ranking officers, who are given the status of SDF member from the outset, and police officers. This makes recruiting for the position particularly difficult.
Under the new system, SDF candidates will also be employed as SDF personnel from the beginning. Their starting salaries will be raised from 157,000 yen per month to 198,800 yen per month, equivalent to those of general candidates.
[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]
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